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Top 10 Richest Person of the World

Top 10 Richest Person on Earth

1. Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos

Net Worth: $146.9 Billion

Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon, one of the biggest and most popular companies on the web. Amazon started as a simple online bookstore in Jeff’s bedroom, and the initial sales were slow.

In 2020, Jeff Bezos has become the richest man in the world, after adding a whopping $40 billion to his net worth last couple of years! Amazon is making major moves, after recently acquiring Wholefoods, launching drone shipping and a bunch of other strong ideas.

Bezos recently divorced his wife MacKenzie; after which she received 4% of Amazon, which is worth billions, and yet it still hasn’t knocked him off the top spot.

Jeff Bezos is the first man ever to reach the $100 billion mark, which is just insane, and many believe he’ll become the world’s first trillionaire.

2. Bill Gates

Net Worth: $106.5 Billion

Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft, and was the richest man in the world for several years running. Gates founded Microsoft in 1975 with Paul Allen, and has since become the largest PC software company worldwide.

Gates’ net worth has been pretty stagnant since he reached the $100 billion mark.

As of 2020, Bill Gates’ net worth is estimated to be $106.5 billion.

“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” – Bill Gates

3.  Bernard Arnault

Net Worth: $94.1 Billion

Bernard Arnault is the CEO of LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessey).

Ultimately, the company was formed from merging the two businesses together. Louis Vuitton is the very successful luxury fashion brand, and Moet Hennessey is the merged champagne and cognac manufacturers.

Bernard has been making serious movements up this list in the past year. In fact, at the beginning of 2017, he was at 14th. Now, a full 3 years later, he’s placed at 3rd on the list of the 25 richest people on earth in 2020.

4.  Mark Zuckerberg

Net Worth: $86.5 Billion

We all know Mark Zuckerberg as the founder of Facebook. Facebook has become the most popular and most valuable social media company in the world. And it all started in Mark’s dorm room at Harvard University.

Mark Zuckerberg has regained the major net worth loss he suffered after the Cambridge Analytica data scandal and various other issues causing the Facebook stock prices to fall.

Mark Zuckerberg is now the 4th richest man in the world, with an estimated net worth of $86.5 billion.

“When you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place. So, what we view our role as, is giving people that power.” – Mark Zuckerberg

5. Warren Buffett

Net Worth: Billion
Warren Buffett is an American entrepreneur and investor, and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett is the most successful investor worldwide, and millions of other traders look up to him because of his success.

Warren Buffett is the 5th richest man in the world, with an incredible net worth of $89.9 billion. However, despite this fact, Buffett still lives in the home he purchased back when he didn’t even know what a billion dollars looked like.

What a humble guy!

“I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.” – Warren Buffett

6. Larry Ellison

Net Worth: $66.4 Billion

Larry Ellison is the co-founder of the Oracle Corporation, and he was also the company’s CEO until September 2014.

Over the years, Oracle has become an incredibly successful tech company, now being 39 years old and employing over 136,000 people.

Larry Ellison is 6th on this list of the richest people in the world, with a net worth of $66.4 billion.

7.  Steve Ballmer

Net Worth: $65.4 Billion

Steve Ballmer is the current owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers, and he is also the former CEO of Microsoft.

As of 2020, Steve Ballmer’s net worth is estimated at $65.4 billion, making him the 7th richest person in the world

8. Larry Page

Net Worth: $63.6 Billion

Larry Page is the co-founder of Google, which was founded back in a garage in 1998.

Google, no doubt, has become the most successful search engine in the world, and the company has gone on to make various acquisitions such as YouTube. Google’s success has made Larry Page one of the richest people in the world.

9. Sergey Brin

Net Worth: $61.3 Billion

Sergey Brin and Larry Page co-founded Google back in 1998, in just a small simple garage. The duo have taken Google to the top, putting Sergey Brin right behind Page in this list of the richest people worldwide.

As of 2020, Sergey Brin’s net worth is roughly $61.3 billion.

10. Amancio Ortega

Net Worth: $60.5 Billion

Amancio Ortega is a Spanish entrepreneur and founder of the Inditex fashion group. Inditex owns Zara, and Zara is one of the most popular clothing chains worldwide.

Ortega was once the 5th richest man in the world, however he’s recently lost almost $20 billion of it, or 25%, which is one of the biggest losses in 2020 thus far.

As of 2020, Amancio Ortega’s net worth is estimated to be $60.5 billion.

Here’s a list of the top 25 richest people in the world in 2020:

Jeff Bezos
Bill Gates
Bernard Arnault
Mark Zuckerberg
Warren Buffett
Larry Ellison
Steve Ballmer
Larry Page
Sergey Brin
Amancio Ortega
Michael Bloomberg
Jim Walton
Alice Walton
S. Robson Walton
Francoise Bettencourt Meyers
Mukesh Ambani
Carlos Slim Helu
MacKenzie Bezos
Charles Koch
Julia Koch
Ma Huateng
Jack Ma
Phil Knight
Elon Musk
Colin Zheng Huang

Jeff Bezos’ reign as the richest man in the world continues.
